What We Believe

As Lutherans, we confess the Apostolic faith of the Church, in all the fullness of its Evangelical Catholicity. We are Evangelical (from the Greek word for ‘Gospel’), because we declare and glorify the Good News of Christ’s victory over sin and all evil on our behalf, bringing to us the forgiveness of sin, and eternal life. We are Catholic (from the Greek word for ‘Universal’), because we embrace and are edified by the holy saints and teachers of the Church from all times and in all places. Most of all, we are Apostolic, because we believe, teach, and confess, the ancient doctrines of the Apostles as taught in the Holy Bible. 

Further Catechesis

To be a Christian is to ever grow deeper in the Wisdom of Christ through teaching and catechesis. At Christ Lutheran Church we take such teaching seriously, and revel in the joys which this knowledge brings. Linked below are some helpful resources for deepening your knowledge of God and His word.

Music & Art

In the beginning, God created all things, and declared them to be good. The Gospels teach us that God Himself took on human flesh, and inhabited this created world, sanctifying it by His presence. Embracing the sacredness of creation, Christians have always sought to express their faith not in mere knowledge and understanding alone, but in ritual, music, and the arts.


It is the delight of every Christian to draw nearer to the love and mercy of God, and to know His infinite blessings. Christ Lutheran Church hopes to assist its members in growing in their life of prayer and piety. For some helpful resources in increasing in faith and knowledge, click below.