One thing have I asked of the LORD, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to inquire in his temple. — Psalm 27:4
Like King David, the Baptized continue to seek after the sanctuary of the Lord’s house, the place where heaven meets earth as God comes for us with His gifts to give us forgiveness, life, and salvation. Like sheep who follow their shepherd to quiet waters and green pastures, we follow our Good Shepherd into His sanctuary where He gathers us to Himself and feeds us with the Bread of Life. Here is the Door that opens to paradise. Here is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Here is where we abide in the Vine who is indeed the Resurrection and the Life. And as we come into His sanctuary and take our places in the Light of Christ, we gaze upon the beauty of the Lord all the days of our life.
Just as God once called His people to set apart the Tabernacle using the richest materials and finest craftsmanship available, He has blessed us with the means to install the beautiful stained glass windows that now preserve for us the holiness of this space, depicting for us the transcendent reality of His presence and enveloping us in the awareness of His love as we take our places with all the company of heaven around His throne for life everlasting.
Of course, it is not the works of our hands that beautify the sanctuary, but Christ Himself who is the Light of the World. It is His Word that illumines the beautiful stained glass to proclaim His gifts for our life and salvation. And as Christians who value this sacred space where God meets us with His gifts, we rejoice and give thanks for these windows that will forever proclaim to those at Christ Lutheran Church and to the world around us, “God is here with His gifts! If it is Truth you seek; if it is Light you seek; if it is the Good Shepherd with His gifts for your forgiveness, life, and salvation that you seek, you will find Him here!” Soli Deo Gloria.
Rev. Dr. James R. Holowach, Pastor
Christ Lutheran Church, Jackson, Mississippi
Feast of Holy Trinity, 2013