Remember Your Baptism

Through Christ and because of His Word, Christians are not self-preservationists. Instead of gluing their eyes to their belly buttons, Christians are for Christ’s sake, freed up to look to the Lord and so to their neighbor. This is important for you to remember and learn well.

The Lord loves you, He has sent His Son to die for you. He has paid your debt and died your death. You are free, you are His, death is gain for you. You are at peace. You know where you are going and Who leads you always.

So you are not trying to keep your life. Instead, you are, thanks be to God, losing your life for Christ’s sake. Luther says that our own sufferings drive us to Christ, and in the same, the sufferings of our neighbor drive us to our neighbor. In any case, suffering never drives us to ourselves.

Perhaps as you wash for 20 seconds, you might remember this. Remember your vocations as the soap gets scrubbed in. Remember that you do this for the sake of your neighbor. You don’t do this for yourself, for the Lord has already loved you and given you all things, even Himself and all eternity. Instead, remember your vocations as the water runs over your hands. Remember what the Lord has clearly revealed: He has planted you in a family, you are a son, a daughter, a wife, a husband, a mother, a father, a grandparent, a soldier, a worker, etc. This the Lord has revealed and commanded you in His Word to do. Indeed, until He reveals something else, i.e. that you are no longer a son, daughter, mother, husband, etc. Until He reveals that, then you have good work to do. Your hands need to be clean, for the Lord has raised you up this morning by His good pleasure, He commands your beginning and your end. He will bring you safely home. Until then, let us fear and serve the Lord, and therefore, let us be free to love and serve our neighbor.

Remember your Baptism. The Lord loves you. He has given you all things.

Rev. Christopher Harrison