Life Together – Life Apart

Saints in Christ Jesus,

As our Lord continues to walk before us in this time of testing, we should not be surprised to find the words of the Church’s liturgy taking on now a new and deeper meaning among us. One of the Church’s prayers in the Office of Compline says, “Be present, merciful God… so that we who are wearied by the changes and chances of life may find our rest in You.” Who among us doesn’t know exactly the feeling and reality of these words?!? The world is uncertain, the future is unknown, life is changing by the day, and it is ever so wearisome!

Thanks be to God, we do find our rest in Him! These are trying times. The Lord is teaching and training us. He is pulling us out from ourselves, showing us what lasts and what doesn’t, and teaching us again who we are, Whose we are, and where we are going.

Although our public services are suspended at this time, we know that the Church is never canceled. For the Church is the Body of Christ. She is not the building, but the saints called by His Name, who seek His face and receive His gifts. These coming days, weeks, and months, will continue to train our eyes and ears in that reality and promise. Thanks be to God, He does all things well!

Rev. Christopher Harrison