Teaching in the Tundra

Every year, a multitude of pastors migrate to the blasting cold of Fort Wayne, Indiana, to attend the Concordia Theological Seminary Symposia. Though there is no denying that, despite the predictably oppressive weather and lack of good cajun food, this trip is filled with much enjoyment as pastors reconnect with beloved professors and old seminary friends. Strictly speaking, however, the Symposia is about the continuing education of Lutheran pastors on the latest (and sometimes most controversial) theological issues. The Symposia is roughly four days of back to back theological papers, panel discussions, and occasionally debates, separated only by meals and chapel services. Though it is undeniably fun to attend, it is no vacation! Rather, it is the pastors main way of studying up on all the latest theological developments in the past year and to keep his theological education polished.

With all this said, I have just returned from the Symposia, and am very happy to have gone. I learned much, even amid the near non-stop snow and ice falling on us from the skies. However, I am glad to have left the tundra, and returned safe home again to Christ Lutheran. No matter how great the teaching given at Concordia Theological Seminary, it is a great relief to once again find myself amid the warmth of Mississippi weather, and the warmth of this kindest of congregations.


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